471. Delivered With A Testimony (II Timothy 3: 11)
472. Delayed But Not Denied (Genesis 3); 22, 23)
473. A Task Completed (St. John 17: 4)
474. God Is Up To Something (St. Luke 1: 34, 35)
475. The God Worth Waiting For (Psalm 27: 14)
476. God Can Turn Things Around (Genesis 26:6,12)
477. The Temptation to Quit (Jeremiah 20: 7-9)
478. Power on the Outside (Acts 3: 1-8)
479. The Choice Is Yours (Deuteronomy 11: 26-28)
480. Move Beyond This Chapter (Genesis 12:1, 2, 4)
481. Our Passage Through The Fire (Malachi 3: 2-3)
482. The God Who Is More Than Enough (Epehsians 3: 20)
483. Endure (II Timothy 2: 3)
484. We Must Make A Change (II King 7: 3-8)
485. Don’t Give Up On Your Dream (Genesis 37: 5-9. 24, 36)
486. Help Is Available (II King 4: 1-6)
487. The Night Cometh (St. John 9: 4)
772. We Are Well Able (Numbers 13: 1-3, 25-33)
489. Walking By Faith, Not By Sight (II Corinthians 5: 7)
49. Trapped On A Dead End Street (Exodus 14:9-11)