300. Loving God With All Your Mind (Mark 37:39)
301. The Ultimate Acceptance (Ephesians 1:4-6)
302. The Whole Story (II Corinthians 4: 8, 9)
303. Give Me the Church (Matthew 16: 18)
304. David’s Prescription for Fear (Psalm 27:1-6)
305. When You Need the Victory (II Samuel 5: 23,24)
306. A Father’s Prayer (Mark 5: 22, 23)
307. How to Handle the Difficult, the Unpleasant, and the Disturbing (Mark 11: 7-10)
308. Jesus, the Most Precious of All (I Peter 2: 7)
812. Faith and Breakthroughs (St. Matthew 8: 5-8,10, 13)
31. The Sin That So Easily Besets Us (Hebrews12:1)
310. Our Wonderworking God ( Psalm 136: 1-4)
311. The Worst Things Can Change (Matthew 28:11-15)
312. Hope in the Lord (Psalm 130: 6, 7)
313. Halted Between Two Opinions (I Kings 18: 21)
314. Let Us Make Man (Genesis 12:6)
315. What to Do When You Don’t Know What To Do (Proverbs 3: 5, 6)
316. Opened Unto You (Matthew 7:7)
318. Prepare to Meet Thy God (Amos 4: 12)