431. A Friend of God (II Chronicles 20: 7)
432. The Invincible Church (St. Matthew 16:18)
433. The Ultimate Change (Acts 9:1-2; 20-21)
434. When You’re Down to Nothing, God Is Up to Something (II Kings 7: 3-8)
435. A Cause For Thanksgiving (Psalm 118: 1-2)
436. A Question For The Watchman (Isaiah 21:11-12)
437. No Need to Depart (St. Matthew 14: 15, 16)
438. A Victorious Church (St. Matthew 16: 18)
439. Breakthrough (St. Luke 13: 10-13)
44. When Disappointment Comes (John 5:1-5)
440. Praise & Crisis (II Chronicles 20: 20-22)
441. An Atmosphere For Miracles (St. Mark 5: 27-29)
442. Seeking the Savior (St. Matthew 2: 1, 2)
443. Bread Enough and to Spare (St. Luke 15:17)
444. I’ve Got to Tell It (II Kings 7: 8, 9)
445. Jehovah the Merciful God (Jonah 3: 10; Psalm 103: 8-10)
446. Lift Him Up (St. John 12: 32, 33)
448. Praise Your Way Through (II Chronicles 20: 21, 22)
449. The Lord Will Make A Way (St. Mark 5:27, 28)
45. When Life Becomes A Cage (Psalm 55:1-6)