801. Grateful for God’s Mercy (St. Luke 13:6-9)***
802. Jesus Is the Real Deal (St. John 20: 26-31)***
803. Recovery is not Impossible (Samuel 30:1-4;18-19) ***
804. The Potter’s Design (Jeremiah 18: 1-6) ***
805. Words from a Good Soldier (II Timothy 4: 6-8)***
806. Faith in the Lord’s Word (St. John 4: 46-53)
808. The Lord Will Provide (Ruth 2: 15-17)
809. There is a Process (Genesis 41: 39-43; Genesis 15: 4-8)
810. An Invitation, a Promise and a Command (St. Matthew 11:28-29)
811. Determination (St. Mark 2: 1-5)
813. For the Glory of God (St. John 9:1-3)
814. God Helped Me (Acts 26: 19-22)
815. An Unexpected Testimony from an Unexpected Source (St. John 4: 28-30, 39-42)
816. Determined to Press On (Philippians 3: 13-14)
817. His Word Makes the Difference (St. Mark 3:1-5)
824. Lord, I Need Your Help (St. Matthew 15:22-28)
819. The Master’s Peace (St. John 14: 27)
820. A Sad Story With a Happy Ending (St. Mark 5:2-5, 14-15)
821. Badly Wounded But Rising Again (Acts 14:19-20)
822. Blessed by the Fragments (St. John 6: 9-13)